Mainstream is what's the new trend. However, contrary to popular belief, Tahitian pearl is not a new pearl type. Centuries ago, humans have symbolically decorated themselves with Tahitian pearl jewelry in order to denote the high social status.
So, what is Tahitian pearl? Tahitian pearls are produced in the black-lipped oyster ‘Pinctada margaritifera’, in and around Tahiti and the French Polynesian islands. This oyster itself is quite large - sometimes over 12 inches across and weighing as much as 10 pounds - which often results in much larger-than-average pearls. The pearls are unique because of their natural dark colors. Most "black" Tahitian pearls are not actually black, but are instead silver, charcoal, or a multitude of colors with the dominant color being green. Truly black pearls are among the most beautiful pearls in the world, and are extremely rare. The affordable price, distinctive features and noble symbol, Tahitian pearls are rapidly regaining popularity in pearl culture in recent years.
Since the black Tahitian pearls appeal to both woman and man, some people use Tahitian pearls to illustrate an important aspect of their lives, such as a romantic relationship. For example, couples often get matching Tahitian pearl rings in order to materialize their love and dedication towards each other. This is particularly popular among married couples, since such a gesture epitomizes the ultimate commitment. Tahitian pearls are permanent, just like how love is meant to last forever too.
Just as importantly, Tahitian pearls can reflect the values and beliefs of an individual. Nowadays, they are viewed as the King in the pearl world. They are the symbol of charm and elegance. They are often translated into meaningful or profound ideas that one holds dearly to his or her heart. This is why Tahitian pearl should be regarded as more than just a simple beauty accessory.
As Tahitian pearls become more acceptable in the pearl world, now is the chance to express you through pearls. Keep in mind that Tahitian pearl represents a kind of high taste and shows your unique personal style.