As every body knows that the larger the size, the higher the price of a pearl. But pearl's price jumps between pearl sizes are often uneven. When the size reach the 8 - 9mm or above, pearl prices tend to increase much higher.
According to CIBJO, the world Jewelry Confederation, different pearls are measured by different methods with different minimum units' expression.Here is the general pearl size measuring methods:
Pearl Size Description
Single PearlRound shape: average diameter
Fancy shape: maximum diameter, maximum lengthPearl
size: <10mm, expressed to the nearest 0.25mm
>,=10mm, expressed to the nearest 0.1mm
Graduated Strands: Maximum diameter of the largest pearl and the smallest pearl on the strand
Pearl size:expressed to the nearest 0.1mme.g.8.6-13.3mm
Uniform strand: Stated as the minimum size
Pearl size:expressed to one half(0.5)mm variations
e.g. 7.0-7.5mm