August 8, 1985 is my parents' wedding Date. How time flies, 24years have gone with limitless sweet and happy time.
In China, the time of couples goes through is very important to the name of wedding anniversary.
Ten years is said to be Tin Wedding
Fifteen years is equal to Crystal Wedding
Twenty years refers to China Wedding
Twenty five years is called Silver Wedding
Thirty named Pearl Wedding
Thirty five years indicates Coral(Jade)Wedding
Forty years expresses Rudy Wedding
Forty five years witnesses Sapphiye Wedding
Buying a gift for beloved can trace back to thousand years ago. This year,my mother was given a pearl ring(with the brand shecy) from my Dad. Here I am so excited to share with our friends, and I hope you like it. Traditionally, thirty named Pearl Wedding; I am going to buy a high quality necklace for mom.
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